Establishing a relationship with your doctor in California can help you feel more confident about your treatment. If you feel unhappy with your treatment or concerned about your health, having a good relationship with your doctor may make it more comfortable to verbalize your feelings.
A good doctor who respects you will listen intently to your concerns and help you identify promising solutions.
Build a relationship
Building a relationship with your doctor will take time. In fact, you may cycle through a couple of health care providers before you find one that meets your expectations and understands your needs. According to the American Migraine Foundation, one of the best ways to gauge the likelihood of forming a good relationship is to analyze how you feel when you speak with your doctor.
You should feel comfortable talking with your physician. You should feel as though your health concerns matter. Your medical records and health history should play an integral role in determining your treatment options. You should feel heard and valued.
Advocate for your health
Once you have established a good relationship built on respect and trust, you can advocate for your health. You will undoubtedly encounter situations where you feel concerned about the direction of your health. Having the confidence and level of comfort to address your concerns without fear of judgment or disregard can aid in identifying a promising solution without wasting precious time.
Forming a good relationship with your doctor enables you to work together as a team. You can each express concerns and ideas. A team approach to implementing sustainable solutions will give you more control of your health and your future.