Supportive Advocacy When It Matters Most

A wide range of physical effects can accompany traumatic brain injury (TBI). When these injuries are severe, patients often require ongoing treatment and therapy to make a full or partial recovery. 

While the physical effects of TBI are challenging, the emotional effects are even more so. According to the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center, there are a variety of emotional effects that can also occur with TBI. While difficult for the individual patient, they are also very challenging for the patient’s family. Here are a few of those effects and how they impact patients.  


Depression is a common factor with severe injuries. This is especially true when there are distinct changes in functioning and ability. These changes often overwhelm TBI patients. They might also miss doing things they once enjoyed.  

Professional treatment for depression can help patients develop healthy coping mechanisms and thinking. Some patients can also take medication to prevent severe, lasting bouts of depression.  


While it is normal to experience anxiety when in a fearful situation, it can also occur without cause. People sometimes experience a general form of nervousness, or they can go through acute panic attacks, which are periods of intense fear.  

Anxiety after TBI occurs because of physical damage to the brain, or it can occur as a result of a patient feeling pressured to do things before they are ready, such as returning to work too soon. 

Mood swings

Certain parts of the brain regulate moods. When these areas sustain damage, patients can experience rapidly changing moods for no real reason. A person might appear happy one minute and sad the next, or even experience anger and irritability.  

Most people are able to regulate their moods again as they progress through the recovery process. While they are acclimating, family and friends should express sympathy and patience when faced with mood swings.  

Some TBI effects are permanent, while others resolve after weeks or months. In either case, patients must receive proper treatment and care to ensure good health and quality of life.  

Certain injuries are very common during auto accidents. According to Healthline, auto accidents often cause headaches and back pain simultaneously.

Even relatively minor pain can have a negative impact on your life if it occurs frequently. In this case, you must seek out the proper medical care to relieve pain and discomfort, while also improving range of motion and movement. Here are the steps you can take to heal after a damaging car accident.

What to expect when visiting the doctor

If you do not require immediate medical care after a car accident, you should follow up with your primary care doctor as soon as possible if symptom present. Your doctor will ask about the type of pain, its intensity, how long you have experienced it, and whether you experience any other symptoms.

Your doctor will also perform a physical exam to get a better understanding of your symptoms. They may ask you to sit, stand, or walk, perform blood testing and diagnostic imaging, perform neurological exams, and undertake other procedures. These tests and exams are integral for developing an effective treatment plan.

How to treat recurring headaches and back pain

Treatments depend on whether symptoms are minor or severe. For minor pain, your doctor may advise you to rest, apply hot or cold compresses to your head, or take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication.

More serious issues might require prescription medication, such as muscle relaxers. Cortisone injections can reduce swelling within the back to decrease movement and relieve any discomfort you are experiencing. Massage therapy is also beneficial, as it can ease muscle tension.

While you cannot control the behaviors of other drivers, you can reduce your risk of experiencing a serious injury. Always wear your seatbelt, operate your vehicle conscientiously, and obey all traffic laws to ensure a safe driving experience for yourself and others.

Following an accident on the 405 South or the 22 Eastbound, you may experience persistent back pain, headaches and other symptoms that greatly interfere with your quality of life. To get your life back on track, you need to pay for vehicle repairs and medical care for your injuries.

Unfortunately, the person who caused the accident does not have insurance. To add insult to injury, your insurance company seems to have forgotten about your claim — or refuses to acknowledge it at all. While your insurer’s lack of action may frustrate you, it may comfort you to know that the law does afford you several protections against insurers that act in bad faith.

Bad faith occurs when an insurance company violates its duty of care

Your insurance company has a duty to thoroughly investigate, negotiate and settle your claims in good faith. Failure to do any or all of the above may constitute a breach of duty and could result in a legal claim. According to FindLaw, the basis for the legal claim, in this case, would be “bad faith.”

Examples of bad faith insurance

Though it can take many forms, bad faith insurance occurs when an insurance company engages in unfair or dishonest tactics. The presence of one or several of these tactics may give you grounds to file a bad faith claim.

If you suspect your insurance company of bad faith dealings, seek legal help right away. An attorney can inform you of your rights and advise you on how to proceed.

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